Fairy Tales (Kingfisher Mini Treasury)
Vivian French
Peter Malone
Kingfisher Books Ltd



At the sandy edge of the Great North Sea was a pigsty. No pigs had lived in it for a long, long time and it was very small and damp, and any pig who saw it said, "OINK! OINK!" and ran away. Only a poor fisherman and his wife lived there, and that was because they had nowhere else to live. The Fisherman and his Wife

The tale of the good-hearted fisherman and his grumbling wife is just one of the classic fairy-tale retellings in this book which are ideal for reading aloud. The stories have all the uplifting qualities of the best fairy tales, where the underdog can win and the greedy always learn the error of their ways. The familiar line-up of stories includes the adventures of Jack and his frivolous purchase of magic beans, Beauty and the Beast, The Elves and the Shoemaker and, of course, Cinderella. The fairy tales of kingdoms, witches, giants and curses are told with all the necessary magic and romance and the illustrations, while traditional, have a distinctive and modern feel. A treat of a book and a great investment for many bedtimes to come. --Rachel Ediss


Zürcher Oberland

Foreword 10

Jack and the Beanstalk 12

Hansel and Gretel 26

The Fisherman and His Wife 36

Beauty and the Beast 46

The Elves and the Shoemaker 600

Rumpelstiltskin 70

Cinderella 80

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